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Embracing the journey has long been a mantra … we are what we experience … welcoming the wisdom from each experience as those lessons inform our next moves along life’s journey.

Dr. Christi

The Journey of completeness to Christi Campbell Healing has been a path of exhilarating experience, exceptional challenge, joyful excitement, deep hurt, healing clarity, strength of being, divine wisdom, spiritual guidance, and above all - tenacity.


Life is just that!


Having the depth of wisdom to glean the best from each experience, to gather the beautiful pearls of knowledge along the way … to learn and grow from each challenge, and to embrace life with all the ups and downs has led to a place of readiness to fully engage with those seeking a unique approach to healing from a place of openness, - fully embracing each individual with the power of love and acceptance.


As I create and hold the space for healing, gratitude exudes for the abundance of blessings upholding this process ... the ability to see the path ahead is a Gift ... stepping out and taking it is a Choice … exploring what's on it – Priceless ~


About My Journey



Mine began long ago - but became a pivotal realization when I connected with an artist at the LaGuna Gloria Art Festival soon after moving to Austin in 1996. The enigma, the gregarious and openhearted welcoming spirit, was Daryl Colburn from Laughing at the Sun Art Gallery. I was welcomed into that unique group of souls who expressed their wisdom through art. It was there I learned of synchronicity … the shell was cracked open and light began to illuminate untapped wisdom of my own – that unbenownest to me, I had been holding in readiness for the time to access and release that which I was carrying. 


We collaborated on commissioned art that referenced my Native American heritage and what started as that simple connection at an art festival that I could have surely walked past without attention, grew to the development of deep connections with other artists and a lasting special friendship with one of those, Rita Ross, to this day whose incredible art is a true reflection of the soul navigating its earthly journey. While Daryl has left this earthly plain, the connections and friends made continue to be with me on that journey to this day and have informed my experience of growth, development and enlightenment.






The next pivotal time period took place between 2000 and 2003, when I completed my Doctoral studies at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston Texas. It would take a chapter, if not a book, to delineate all that took place during that immersive period. I had the privilege to walk that journey of enlightenment with Dr. Carolyn Kinney who remains one of my dearest friends to this day.


As one of the most transcendant of life experiences, I delved deep inside to understand who I was, what I believed and what I was put on this earth to do. There are many stories – each with their own perfect thread – that contribute to the weaving of a wonderfully unique tapestry of experience that continues to develop and transform as life unfolds.  






One of the outcomes was the opening of Contemporary Health care in 2006. This innovative center focused on holistic healing through the understanding of self, providing a healing practice that truly embodied the concept of mind, body and spirit. 


Acknowledging the spiritual nature of humanity, the vision was to combine the traditional Western Medicine approach with the wisdom of Eastern philosophy to provide complimentary approaches to healing in one space. This healing center functioned successfully for 13 years closing its doors in late 2019 as I was feeling compelled to create space in my life for new expansion.






With prayerful guidance, I opened my heart and mind to the wisdom of ancients. As ideas began to fully crystalize, I knew it was time to embrace the whole of me, to step fully and unabashedly into the role for which I was born – time to claim and to share the gifts entrusted to me … to contribute to this world much needed one to one and one to all truly impactful healing.


This has come to fruition with the introduction of this encompassing website that truly reflects all that I offer toward health, wellness, and the rejuvenation of humanity.


See Crystal Vision


And Just a Bit More ...


As a family nurse practitioner specializing in adult and geriatric care, Dr. Campbell continues to provide medical and supportive measures to adults, seniors and the frail elderly moving through their twilight years. 


With more than 45 years in the profession, she provides high quality health care with a special emphasis on relationships of families with members suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Her doctoral research was insightful and her dissertation entitled “Spousal Relationship Changes in Alzheimer’s Disease” illuminated the emotional journey of couples navigating this transformative disease process.


She works closely with patients and families in the post acute care setting: she continues to teach healthcare practitioners around the United States the techniques of facial rejuvenation and offers those boutique services one to one as requested; she has taught graduate level advanced practice nursing from a healing perspective at both the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston and The University of Texas School of Nursing in Austin where she remains as Adjunct Faculty.


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My Credentials ...


PhD University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston
MSN University of Missouri Kansas City

MSN West Texas A&M University

FNP Fort Hayes State University
IFM Certification
Certified Life Coach ~ Evercoach/Mindvalley
Six-Phase Meditation Trainer
Crystal Therapy Practitioner
Quantum Touch Practitioner


I honor and embrace each individual as unique, purposeful beings and join you on your journey with peacefulness, reflection, and confidence …  grateful for opportunity to grow, change, explore, and create … recognizing the wonder and simplicity of that ... 


- Dr. Christi Campbell

Let's Connect

1-512-343-2800    |

Austin, Texas

© 2023 by Christi Campbell 

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