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Contemporary Alchemy

Bespoke sessions ideal for embracing your unique journey are offered … honed from the purist alchemy definition “ … Changing the frequency of thought, altering the harmonics of matter, and applying the element of love to create the desired result”, various tools and energetic sources are chosen for the ultimate alchemy …  to awakening your capacity for change and healing from a place of love and acceptance …


Life Transitions

Understanding the inter-relationship of mind-body-spirit, Life Transitions Guidance offers intuitive-based conversation focused on awareness, wisdom, and insight toward self-discovery, desire for change regarding life enhancement or goal attainment, or perhaps soul journey enlightenment to reclaim your inner radiance ... discover your inner power and purpose, align to your true self … expand your passion for life … be supported on your inner quest to reconnect and grow ~ … in person and remote sessions available.

Image by Sebastian Unrau

Integrative Balance Therapy ™

Integrative Balance Therapy blends the healing properties of music, essential oils, crystals, PEMF therapy, quantum touch, focused presence, and intuitive guidance to gently balance the body as it renews the spirit, rejuvenates the soul, calms the mind and aligns the chakras.

These bespoke sessions are customized to enhance core healing and provide the most fulfilling experience to address your unique need.


Signature Alchemy

 ... for facial rejuvenation and whole body balance ... 


Sink into the relaxing uniqueness of gentle, whole body energy balance.

Experience your freshly soothed face adorned with a healing crystal grid to bring energies into alignment while Chakra work opens and aligns the energetic body for well-being with emotional and physical balance. Let the warm strength of grounding stones stabilize the process as held in each palm with focused intention as Teishins are used to enhance and direct the energetic flow for restorative balance.


Sacred Crystal Cocoon Alchemy 

 ... for inner peace and enlightenment through restorative immersion in a uniquely crafted experience informed by intuitive conversation ... 


In a quiet serene environment, be gently held in a zero gravity chair comfortably snuggled under a crystal infused weighted covering.

Experience the energies of clear quartz, amethyst, and rose quartz as their gentle pressure on your body brings serenity and comfort. Crystal points surround you while the circle is grounded with the stately presence of both clear and smokey quartz crystal points. Relax in the unique vibrational alchemy of crystal resonance, the sacred sound of magical chimes, and the melodious wonder of alchemy singing bowls. Rest deeply in this space of peace … connect within … and emerge refreshed, rejuvenated, and uplifted with renewed awareness of self.

Sacred Ceremony

Sacred Ceremony

Uniquely crafted healing experience to enhance harmony with joyful celebration of connectedness and transitions.

Find out more about Christi's Sacred Ceremony offerings ... 

Image by Joyce G
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