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Awaken Your Soul ...

Providing a healing environment by  incorporating contemporary and intuitive modalities to access and awaken capacity for change … to support and empower growth toward your highest potential …



Experience compassionate, intuitive healing creating unique passageways of movement between the wisdom of ancient thought and current contemporary approaches.

Image by Florin Beudean

Health Care

Explore Integrative approaches within the regenerative medicine, aesthetic wellness and long-term care genres combining the wisdom of complementary and alternative healing therapies.

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Image by mymind


 ... embracing the journey… creating change… welcoming expansion … stepping fully into being ... healing from a place of love and acceptance ...

Image by mymind

My Approach

 … utilizing the magical alchemy of presence, intuition, crystalline frequency, energy focused healing, sound harmony and the essence of oils …  restorative approaches are expertly crafted for your unique need creating the sacred healing environment for you to experience:


~ Intuitive Guidance for Health and Healing


~ Energy Infused Body Balance


~ Inner Peace and Enlightenment


~ Joyful Harmony and Celebration of  Spirit 


~ Rejuvenation of Mind, Body, Spirit

Start Your Journey

Connect with Dr. Christi on a free introductory call 


“Journey into a holistic balance of Mind and Body:  gentle and inspiring guidance, crystal therapies, and energetic modalities await you. Her healing energy will whisper to your soul    . . . this is the work of Dr. Christi Campbell.”

-Carragh C.

Atlanta, GA.



“Throughout the more than 20 years I have known her, Christi has exemplified the belief that embracing the spiritual essence within enhances our ability to acknowledge and respect the same in others.  This perspective and philosophy is evident in all aspects of her life and her work …  experiencing her unique intuitive approach is highly recommended.”

- Carolyn K.

Austin, TX


“Each of us has a unique life purpose and journey … Dr. Christi has been on that journey with me, honoring my pace with incredible patience and love … I am more at peace, feel so embraced and look forward to continued discoveries along the way.”

- Julia C.

Pflugerville, TX


I honor and embrace each individual as unique, purposeful beings and join you on your journey with peacefulness, reflection, and confidence …  grateful for opportunity to grow, change, explore, and create … recognizing the wonder and simplicity of that ... 


- Dr. Christi Campbell

Let's Connect

1-512-343-2800    |

Austin, Texas

© 2023 by Christi Campbell 

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