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Weaver's Journey

Journey with Dr. Christi through the energetic fields she weaves and warps with intuitive guidance and loving compassion.

Weaver's Journey


Dr. Campbell is working on a new integrative journey, STAY TUNED!

What's Included when you begin your Journey with Christi?



“When Christi Campbell and I “found” each other, it was as if stars collided.  The “recognition” and alignment of souls was instantaneous, and a treasured friendship formed.  She is a light-worker and healer; yes, but there is something even greater at work here.  She is uniquely and metaphysically connected to bring in divine resources that go far beyond the mastery she has personally attained.  Rather than going in with a specific request, let her choose the modality that will awaken you to your highest vibration and increase your connection to spirit, light and love.   She is truly a gift to all who are open to receiving.” 

- Carla H.   

Houston, TX

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